YA~~Finally we can have one week break^.^Even though we still have lots of assignments have to doWe also can have some fun during this break!I think many our classmates are going to have fun in Gold coastAlso lots of my friends are going to moreton island~~ That's nice, isn't it?Now I have no idea where I am going to do during this break!However, I think I will enjoy my break as same as the other classmates^.^Wish everyone can have a lovely and safe break!Also wish Debra have a wonderful journal in Canada ^$^ Enjoy~~~~
Friday, September 21, 2007
Saturday, September 15, 2007
The last workshop
Today is the last workshop of technology and second language learning~~
We have learnt lots of new knowlege about what is "Hot Potatos" and the other video assistant software
In particular, the software called "hot potatos" that is amazing! So smart and so convinent for teachers to create activities based on the technology^.^ Even though this is the first time to know this software and we need that for our final project( this is a tough task we are going to do), I reckon we can build up our technological skills and knowlege through manupulating the software. After this tough and exciting techological journal I think our further teaching content will be enriched by technological techniques and knowlege which we have learnt from Debra! I think we all made a right choice to join this class^.^
Posted by
Sherry Chen TW
9:19 PM
My new house ^.^
Hello everyone~~
I moved the house recently...
I love my new house ~~ It locates in the middle of cultural centre and west end^. ^
In particular, there is the big balcony of my house!!
Posted by
Sherry Chen TW
9:56 AM
Thursday, September 6, 2007
Another rainy day
Today is another rainy and cold day>.<
I really want to do my washing today however, the weather is not suitable for me to do that.
However, Australia dose need more rain to deal with watershortage problem!!
I think rainy days are good for all of us, but I really need some sunny day for drying my clothes
Anyway I hope a beautiful sunny day is comming soon!
Posted by
Sherry Chen TW
8:49 PM
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
My first Webquest
Hello everyone~~
Finally, I finished my first webquest and uploaded it already
I have found that creating a webquest is an exciting jounal
Through this journal I understanded how to construct a wequest and how to organize the content as well
Furthermore, we use this wequest to connect students' learning with techonology
That's amazing!
Anyway, I feel great to have this expereince!
Check my webquest,please
I am looking forward to have your comments^.^
Posted by
Sherry Chen TW
10:45 AM